Koncert: The Gary + Joe 4

sobota, 4. oktober 2014 ob 21:30
Koncert: The Gary + Joe 4

Koncert: The Gary + Joe 4

MIKK, 4.10.2014

Vrata ob 21h30

Vstopnina: 4 eur

The Gary (Indie rock, post punk, Austin, Zda)

THE GARY je ameriški band, še eden v vrsti tistih, ki jim je ploščo posnel Steve Albini le, da so fantje iz Teksasa bolj spevni in manj hrumeči. Bolj kot glasno nažiganje jim je všeč pionirski indie rock, na momente lo-fi, v stilu the Minutemen, Mission Of Burma, Pixies, Neil Young & Crazy Horse... Do zdaj so izdali 4 plate in vsi kritiki pravijo da je to trenutno eden med boljšim mladim indie bendovima v ZDA. Dve leti nazaj so navdušili v beltinški Ambasadi tak da komaj čakamo da ji spet vidimo uživo na delu !


https://soundcloud.com/dave-norwood/the-gary-coming-up (novi komad)

https://soundcloud.com/dave-norwood/sale-w-joe-4 (komad skupaj z JOE 4)








press notes:

"Easily one of my top ten American bands right now." - Gordon Lamb, Chunklet

"...a band already well on their way into plenty of personal favourite lists. With a grumbling undercurrent of raw basics that might send purists scurrying through back catalogues of Amphetamine Reptile or Homestead Records for a proper comparison, The Gary manages to surpass many of the classic artists they list as influence." - Milk Milk Lemonade

"I got hooked on their new single, “(Eyes in the) Taproom” because it reminded me of the Replacements and Uncle Tupelo and the Hold Steady, without exactly sounding like any of them. And if you can identify with songs about sitting on a crappy barstool night after night and wondering if you might just die on it, well then, so much the better. There’s a gritty, no-bullshit vibe about this band that is eminently relatable." - PopMatters

"5 Austin bands to catch up to in 2010... Maybe it's just a matter of it still being relatively obscure, but when The Gary unfurls its maudlin, steely-eyed, drinking-class woes over brittle shards of distorted guitar, it's somehow easier to believe." - The Onion AV Club

"There's more substance to be found in these seven songs than most double-LP concept albums...Intelligent, honest, unpretentious, stirring, grassroots indie rock like this doesn't come along as often as PR reps would like to have us think." - Ink 19

"'Damn Machines' is an anthem in search of a deserving revolution, and easily one of the year's ten best tunes."- My Old Kentucky Blog

"I just know that this is the first record I've gotten from out of nowhere in a long time that actually made me feel
something. " - 24 Hour Party Pooper

Joe 4 (noise rock, Zagreb, Hrvaška)

Podivjani trio, ki veliko mero svojega glasbenega izraza dolguje kreativni epohi ameriškega noise rocka v devetdesetih. Bes, sarkazem in cinizem so zapakirani v vrečko dobro strukturiranih in kompaktnih aranžmajev, katerih podstat je ritmično bobnanje, ki je ovito v čvrste basovske in kitarske linije, nadgrajene z ekspresivnim vokalom. Njihove pesmi se soočajo z impulzivno naravo posameznika, ki prihaja na dan v obliki repetetivne haiku poezije. V svoji godbi se spogledujejo s skupinami kot so: Shellac, Janitor Joe. The Jesus Lizard. Dve leti nazaj so izdali plato, ki jim jo je posnel kralj hrupnega roka Steve Albini!!!!.



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